Post Traumatic Growth 101

From traumatic beginings to "normal life", choosing to grow and wanting to empower others. This is my story.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Some Good News

Well, I did the two hour Gestational Diabetes and I passed! Woot woot. I did throw up the drink between hour 1 & 2, and I didn't tell the lab...maybe I'll mention it to my doctor..but my family doc was surprised my OB even ordered the second test because my score from the first was sooooooooo close to ok (I had an 8.0 and the hightest normal is 7.8). I'm pretty sure we're ok.

Sam and I are sick. I think this is the first time we're sick together (and only Sam's third cold). It's been a challenge to say the least. I'm sooooooooo tired all the time as it is, add a whiney 20 month old and congestion and WOWIE, I'm a mess lol. Corey has been super helpful though and his mom too. Last night he had to work and Grandma had a TOPS meeting, so it was just the kid and I. I need to stop feeling guilty for laying in bed with her when we're sick. It's not going to turn her into a couch potato!

Been doing more self reflection lately. My TV needs have drastically declined and I have a lot more thinking time (usually when I'm cleaning the house). I'm learning to appreciate the simple things again and it feels so good. In the past I was always aiming for "the best" and stressing when things weren't "perfect". I was raised by a woman who was ashamed of everything she did because in her eyes nothing was "good enough". It's no wonder I'm the same way. I don't like it though and I'm learning to change. I'm learning to be more confident with my choices and to stop and enjoy life as I'm living it. So I'm driving a HUGE BEAST of a car that moves like a turtle and sucks up gas faster than anything I ever could have imagined. It's comfy and it's affordable. Oh and it gets me where I need to be. That's a good thing! I cannot afford a payment for a nice fancy new car. Who cares but me anyway? So stop caring and enjoy! That's the thought process I'm training my brain to accept, because it's what I want to be.

I want to be a simple, happy, comfortable person and it's all attainable if I get over the shit. And heck, I'm almost there!


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