Post Traumatic Growth 101

From traumatic beginings to "normal life", choosing to grow and wanting to empower others. This is my story.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Vroom Vroom Vroom

What a great weekend! Friday night we went over to my friend from work Daniela's house. Her and her husband always spoil us rotten with yummy food and access to their beautiful new house. Toss in the Ultrasound video, listening to the baby's heartbeat on their doppler (that we now have in our posession!) and some Mario Party 7 on Game Cube, you've got one hell of a night. If you're 2 young couples in or approaching their 30's that is. We were yawning away and ready for bed by 11pm :P Just a few years ago I wasn't leaving the house for the bar until 11pm and I'm talking Wednesday through Saturday most weekends. I love spending time with Corey and couples like that though.

Saturday was boring. Corey worked all day so I watched random crap on TV and the movie Amelie. I really enjoyed that movie! When Corey got home we grabbed some subs and the movie Zathura and were in bed a little before 11pm. Zathura was good but too much like Jumanji for my liking. I really liked Jumanji!

Yesterday was the AUTO SHOW! The cool thing about going to bed around 11 is 9:30am is sleeping in. You get quite a long day when you don't sleep through half of it! The Auto show was a bit of a dissapointment in terms of classic cars, the reason I got Corey to agree to go so quickly but we did see a lot of cool small SUV's and concept cars. I also entered every contest there so keep your fingers crossed for me, I could have a new free car in a couple of months! Really though, it was nice spending time with Corey again doing something out of the house. We have so much fun at home as it is but it's nice to get out and do something different every once in a while.

We were beat by 3pm but my friend Tammy was over so we had more good times playing with the doppler, sending FMIL to the drugstore for KY Jelly and making Pizza. My poor friend did find out some horrible news about her X-Husband-The-Lying-Cheating-Ba$tard but I was relieved she finally knew. It was information that I was privy to but unable to divulge. Corey and I agreed if she ever found out from someone else that we would not lie and we didn't. I know I felt better but I can't imagine how she's feeling. She'll get over it though and I think he's finally going to get what he deserves so I'm keeping positive. I will make an extra effort to make sure she's OK etc. though, she's going to need all the support she can get over the next little while.

For My Darling Baby Girl: We got to hear your little heartbeat a lot this weekend :) It's comforting for Mommy to know you're in there happy and healthy. Daniela helped us read your US stats and you've got a big belly - I'm feeding you well! You've also got a well developed brain, you're going to be a smart cookie! I get more and more anxious to meet you but know you need to grow in there. I hope you really are enjoying yourself :) (Daddy says you're lucky you're not out here because I'm killing him with my FARTS! ha ha, silly Daddy)


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