Post Traumatic Growth 101

From traumatic beginings to "normal life", choosing to grow and wanting to empower others. This is my story.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Resolution 2012, 55 Days Late

I believe I was meant to help others raise their level of conciousness, I really do.

My life story is full of trauma, drama and sorrow however I choose the post traumatic growth over post traumatic stress.

One of the best feelings I feel is when someone says to me "I never thought of it that way". I'm so lucky to hear that often :)

I feel a lot and express it, because it feels so freakin' good to just get it out and move on. Sometimes I can cry with myself and deal, sometimes I need help. I know I'm a strong person because I can ask for help.

I believe there are "good" people and "bad" people and these people live amongst us all, it's the human "black and white" in my mind.

I understand that life is fundamentally about choices and I choose to live in the moment. I make healthy choices to live with energy and fun.

I'm just that girl you know, Sarah. But I'm oh so much more :) There are so many that I love and hold dear to my heart that I don't communicate with often but I promise you, those people mean just as much to me as those who live next door.

I recently received a hand written letter from someone and it touched my heart. I'm going to send out some letters - I think they'll help me ride out the end of this season of Winter. It's a great time of year to recharge your batteries before the busy spring/summer/fall isn't it :) This year is about connecting with those I love as much as I can.

Hey, I think I just made a resolution! :)

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