Post Traumatic Growth 101

From traumatic beginings to "normal life", choosing to grow and wanting to empower others. This is my story.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Feeling Good Today

Wow, I've slacked off on updating this week! It was a busy/short/tiresome week that's why. Leave me alone, I'm pregnant.

So Heather came up for a visit this weekend. I love my little cousin so much. She's mini-me! Only I think she's cooler than I was at that age. I didn't have a convertible. She arrived Saturday pretty tired so we hung out at home catching up. Sunday Corey and I took her to Mandarin Chinese Buffet. It was super yummy but I couldn't eat as much as I used to. I did eat a nice big plate of deserts though! What a switch for me, I was never a big sweet eater. After the restaurant we dragged our stuffed bellies over to the big mall. I liked shopping with Heather, she didn't stop in every single "regular size girl" clothing store like Tammy did. Doing that with Tammy just made me feel depressed. Actually, Heather didn't even buy anything, but I did! Two pair of much needed shoes. I've worn them both this week and am VERY happy with my purchases.

After mall time we headed over to my Aunt's for girl-cousin-bonding-time. It was nice seeing everyone and being together at these ages/places in life. The fondue was a great idea, it was interactive and fun. My favourite was the chocolate covered bananas. There was no tension and although obvious to me that some didn't particularly want to be there I thought everyone did their best to get along. I have to remember the ages of these cousins, you've got the selfish age, the discovering-who-I-am-age and the I-think-I'm-better-than-everyone age. I've been through all three of those ages myself and am preparing to raise a girl through them all so it's nice to have that insight and see the illustrations of those behaviours. What bothers me is what's said to family afterwards etc. Some are very quick to judge when I don't feel it's their place to do so and I see it being a pattern that's getting passed along to our generation. That saddens me. I think about my mom and how judged she always felt by people in our family. People in glass houses should not throw stones. We all have issues and should worry about ourselves a little more and less about those who are "doing worse". No one's life travels down a smooth straight road. I think we should try and encourage so others are there for us when we hit one of those bumps instead of laughing at/condemning others when they have taken a wrong turn.

So yea, interesting evening. Amazing how we've all grown up and what people we've turned into. We never really got together much while growing up so it's like getting to know these new people who you've known existed your whole (or their whole) life.

I took Monday off and Heather and I did a bit more shopping. I got some stuff for the baby and had my car "Coffee'd". What the heck does that mean? Imagine walking out to your car and as you get closer to it you realise that there's some liquid all over it. You look around, no one else has been "rained on". You look up, no trees or birds nearby! As you get closer you start smelling a very recognisable You then notice an empty run-over cup of coffee sitting on the ground in the parking spot next to you. Dammit, someone probably put a cup of coffee on their roof top, got into their car and drove off forgetting about it. There were pools of coffe sitting on my windshield wipers. We got a good laugh in though, it was pretty funny. Heather thought it was a little funnier than I though and spit chocolate milk all over the inside dash. I'd most definately been "creamed".

Heather left early Tuesday morning and I made the mistake of going straight to work instead of going back to bed. I need to remember that every minute of sleep helps win this battle. I've been a walking zombie for the rest of the week. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. It's suposed to rain too, I'll be nice and cozy.

Had my 28 week doctors appointment on Tuesday! I only gained 3 lbs this month! Yippee! I was sooooo happy when she weighed me. Then the doctor did his thing. He felt around and said she's measuring 30 weeks but that doesn't change my due date, it just means she's a BIG BABY! Oh great, another thing to worry about, delivering a BIG BABY. I have to go for a glucose test and am now seeing my doctor every 2 weeks, it's onto the third trimester!

I had three feel good moments this week. Yesterday at Winners the cashier asked when I was due and said I look "fantastic". She said it looks like a big baby but that I'm taking really good care of myself and still look "skinny" everywhere else. A co-worker said almost the exact same thing to me today :) Only she said fabulous tee hee. It's nice that the exercise and healthy eating is paying off. I want to be a healthy mommy! I just got back from the mall and while bra shopping one of the associates told me, out of the blue, that I looked really cute. The smile still hasn't left my face and I did buy from her store LOL.

Here's my 27W 1D picture taken this weekend at the "soiree".

I don't know which one I like better (or worse) so here's the other:

And for fun, here's my "cool" cousin Heather (I hope you don't mind me putting this here!):

For My Darling Baby Girl: Your Dad and I bought some Finding Nemo border paper yesterday. You're going to have an "Under The Sea" room! I hope you like it. What am I saying, you won't even remember it will you. I mean I don't know what kind of theme room I had when I was...born! We're being silly though, analyzing every little thing we put into it. It's only because we love you that much already and want nothing but the best for our baby girl.


Blogger W&MGrad said...


I love the don't look like you've gain much, if any weight, besides the actual baby! I bet you're really getting excited now!

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah -

The pictures are absolutely wonderful. You look amazing and I see no excess weight just BABY! Soon she'll be in your arms. I love your blog.


9:23 AM  

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