Post Traumatic Growth 101

From traumatic beginings to "normal life", choosing to grow and wanting to empower others. This is my story.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Six Weeks Already!

Yea. She's gorgeous :) And she's ALL MINE!!! I'm having a good day, can you tell?

It's been a few good weeks now actually. Baby is eating well, has started smiling and plays independently for a few minutes every day. We've been going to programs at the Ontario Early Years Centre, it's nice to get out. Tomorrow we're going to see a movie. She's 6 weeks old tomorrow and we'll be seeing "World Trade Center". I know, you'd think a kids first movie would be something Disney or something animated, but this is a special movie for mom's and babies. Samantha won't remember this event, heck she doesn't even know she has hands yet, and Mommy likes getting out into the real world :)

On Thursday we're going to go to work. Believe it or not, after all that belly aching, I miss the place. There's only so much daytime TV a girl can take before she misses work I guess. I'm not saying that I want to go back tomorrow, I love being with my baby. She's just at an age where there's not much I can do with her. All the other mom's with older babies say to enjoy this stage. When she gets bigger she sleeps less (meaning I sleep less), moves around more (won't stay where I put her) and needs a lot more of my attention (right now she's in her chair sleeping and I'm on the computer!). She's also sooo tiny and cute! Oh and only Mommy can quiet her down sometimes :) I love that feeling, when she finally quiets for me after no one else can settle her.

The only issue has been with the Mother In Law. She is driving me NUTS. She wants to badly to help with the baby but I'm feeling a bit selfish and don't ALWAYS want to give her up. We live with the in-laws so they're around her every day and if my MIL had her way, Samantha would be with her every second that she's home from work. She'd be giving her a bottle every night, singing (off key to boot), talking to her constantly...ok ok so in writing it doesn't seem so bad, but when you're me and she's her, it's ANNOYING. I'm so used to my own space, living with them is getting to me. I'm trying to convince Corey to move to New Brunswick immediately. We've applied for a job, well I helped Corey apply for a job. It's a long shot, he's not qualified for the job, but we're hoping he gets an interview! Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.

For My Darling Baby Girl: I want to bottle your cuteness up. Your smile gets wider and wider every day. You're a happy baby, I hope you're always this happy. I feel so lucky to be the one who helps make you that way!


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