Post Traumatic Growth 101

From traumatic beginings to "normal life", choosing to grow and wanting to empower others. This is my story.

Friday, June 16, 2006

I'm All Good

I got the A-ok yesterday on the blood pressure. Right back down to normal. I guess the constant laying around drinking water really did work! Thanks Doc :) The only thing was I did kinda get excited that she could be here that soon. Oh well, back to waiting. It IS better this way.

While going over the possibilities in my mind I thought of all the things I still need to get done before she gets here. The list is quite long. I have to wash all of her clothes, blankets and sheets. We need to get a change table pad, bathtub, rubbing alcohol for her umbilical cord and a bassinet if we're going that route. Corey now wants her to sleep in bed with us. I don't know how I feel about that. I LOVE my sleep and yes, I know I won't sleep the same but I think I'll sleep worse if she's right there in the bed with me, know what I mean? We do want to have her in the room with us for 6 months but I like the idea of her being right beside me in a bassinet that I can just reach over and feel her. I guess that's something we'll decide over the next little while.

Oh, I also have to pack my hospital bag. Just thought of another one, clean the car and install the baby seat base! There is no way we can take the car into the police station in the condition it's in right now. Corey has smoked in it and there is crap EVERYWHERE. It's embarassing. He's going to get it detailed.

I did get all the landry done today. I also cleaned our basement room. I probably over did it but Corey mentioned the drive-in yesterday and I want to go! I want us to spend as much time alone together as possible over these next few weeks.

My work screwed up my leave date and then my pay this week. I didn't need that stress work! I'll get my missing weeks pay next pay period though and I got an apology from the guy who screwed up so I can't harp on it too much.

For My Darling Baby Girl: You're going to keep cooking in there for a while. Mommy likes sleeping in right now so it's all good, but I am anxious to meet you. The doctor told us yesterday that you switched sides! That's neat. I think it's because your dad can't get his head over my big belly onto the other side to talk to you so you just moved to be closer to him :)


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