What Do You Say When Life Is Just "Good"
The first two days of this work week I was in training. Let me tell you, I don't remember a THING from the session LOL It was hard concentrating. I'm a very hands on learner so sitting there watching someone fiddle around on their own computer through a projector...YAWN. We have two new people in our group and they seem very nice and eager to learn. I wonder how long that will last. This place sucks the life outta people I tell ya.
I was training the new people yesterday. I *love* teaching and training. I really should go get an Adult Education certificate. Teaching an actual class in a school might be too much for me now, too much school, but a certificate at a college I can handle. Most of the courses are offered through the Internet anyway! It's something I could use to help me get a good job in New Brunswick, that's for sure.
Talked to my baby brother Daniel on Tuesday night. Baby, what am I saying? He turns FOURTEEN on Tuesday! I can't believe how time flies. I can still remember the day he was born. The fear I felt when the doctors said they were worried the cord was wrapped around his neck and then the elation I felt when he came out OK and started crying. He's had a hard life since and is no where near the typical 14 year-old, but he's my brother. He'll always hold a VERY special place in my heart. I send him a birthday gift every year so we have some shopping to do this weekend. I'm going to get him a spring jacket and a gift certificate so he can get an X-box game. He's finishing his first year of high school in June and I think we'll be down for my mom's burial that weekend so I'd like to bring him back here for a week or two. I usually spend time with him in the summer and I figure I should do it this year before the baby is born. Maybe again after, but I'd like some time with him just the two of us before my life changes forever.
Yesterday Corey called me because he was driving and came across a plane crash. He was freaking out, said there were suitcases lined up along the median and everything. Of course I googled the info we had and went to every local news website and found NOTHING. Found that very peculiar. He called back a few minutes later and said it was a movie set :P I had to drive by in on my way home and it was pretty real looking, but obviously a movie set if you knew that's what it was. I guess other people who passed it by have been calling the news stations etc. because this morning they showed the set on TV and said not too worry LOL
Had my 30 week doctors appointment this week. Everything is progressing fine. Had a bad weigh in again. I just can't get motivated to exercise!! It's bad. I'm going to have so much work to do once the baby is here. Hopefully I get my motivation back when I get my body back.
No plans for this weekend. Would like to finish the babies room and maybe probably watch a lot of movies.
For My Darling Baby Girl: You're getting bigger and bigger in there. Your kicks are stronger and my belly really moves now when you're active. You still like Daddy time best, I'm a little jealous. He tells EVERYONE about how you push right into him when he sings to you. If you're on the other side of me I can feel you move towards him now. It must be love.