Yesterday was crazy. Why oh why did I look forward to the day Corey returned back to work? I thought getting into work at 6:45am myself would rock, I mean I did it a lot last year. I had to drive him in because on Friday I picked him up from work (being the concerned girlfriend that I am - remember he was ZAPPED) and so his truck was at the shop all weekend. Had I gone to bed at a decent hour, like 10pm I think I would have been OK but AMAZING RACE was on! Hello? The best show on TV! And it delivered. I loved the first episode. This is going to be a great season. 2 hours was appreciated because I really feel like I know who the couples are now. Usually after the first show I'm still confused. Because I'm in the greatest country in the world - heh- we get American Idol from 8:00 - 9:30 and then Amazing Race from 9:30 - 11:30, ON THE SAME CHANNEL!
So I get into work and there were two people in before me. Bonus. This means that when I take off at 2:30pm I have witnesses to my early morning arrival. I'm a slacker and leave early ALL THE TIME so it feels good to actually put in a full day and still leave early LOL I couldn't eat at the ungodly hour of 5am so by the time I got in I was hungry. So I eat and then actually WORK for like 5 hours. This is a record for me. I didn't check any reality web sites, pregnancy message boards or craigslist. I had actual work to do! Heck I even forced myself to stop working so I could eat lunch (I was STARVING). It was deadline day of course. I had to get these reports finished by end of day yesterday. In retrospect I could have, oh I don't know, worked on them for TWO WEEKS and taken my time but no, I waited until the last possible minute. The story of my life.
I did get a surprise visit from my director who gave me a $5000 raise. That was nice! Threatening to leave for another company really pays off!
So I get done around 1:30 and head over to reality web sites, pregnancy message boards and craigslist. Come on, I had to. Of course, I'm so exhausted at this point that I can't even read anything. I take off and head home for some American Idol on DVD. It was ok. None of the girls wowed me. Fell asleep during Oprah and that's when things started getting bad. Corey scared me awake (don't you hate it when you wake up and someone is standing over you? I seriously SCREAMED) and I felt like CRAP. The worst heartburn EVER. My underwear were digging into me, my pants felt about 3 sizes too small and I feel asleep on the couch so I was all uncomfortable. Corey got me some milk (that I whined for) and I got changed into the biggest clothes I had. I then started BAWLING. Being pregnant is not the rosy picnic you see on TV. I was sobbing about how fat I felt, how much the heartburn hurt and the state of my wardrobe. I seem to have balooned overnight. My belly is HUGE! Everyone warned me about this but I just let my hormones take over me and it was not pretty. (The one cool thing, I felt the baby move FROM THE OUTSIDE for the first time on Tuesday night. It was such a wonderful feeling)
Corey really delivered then. He told me he wanted to take me to the mall to cheer me up. The MALL. Now anyone who knows me KNOWS I love to shop. I resisted at first, I mean it was easier to just wallow in self pity and cry all night but he insisted. I dragged my butt over there and it still took a half and hour to really start feeling that shopping BUZZ but it happened. The sale items got me. I bought myself a new maternity shirt for like $6, new yoga pants for $7.50, big track pants, HUGE underwear (sigh) and a cute pyjama set (nothing makes me happier than cute pyjama sets - and this was full price). The best part was at the cash because the shirt I paid $6 for was $12 on the tag and then I got ANOTHER %50 off (same with yoga pants) so you know that made me higher than high! Corey then bought me a pair of official Team Canada Olympic track pants. The pyjama set I bought say "He Loves Me" on the shirt :) And you know what? He really does.
We got some food (because I was feeling good you know, so get me some FOOD!) and went home where Corey insisted I change into the new pants he bought me. I felt wonderful.
Today I'm in my new $6 shirt, $7.50 yoga pants, HUGE underwear and I feel great. I'm swimming in it all, even cozier. I'm looking forward to going home (at 4pm! Ha, I came in at like 9:20am) tonight and putting on my "He Loves Me" pyjamas, watching the American Idol boys (that I taped), Survivor and the results show. I'll be cuddled up with Corey and if the weather people are right, the snow will be falling.
It's a good day to be in love.
For My Darling Baby Girl: We can feel you kick now! It makes me smile every time I feel it. You're even kicking right now actually. Last night I wanted to hear your heartbeat before bed - it helps put me to sleep - and you were moving around so much I had to chase you to hear it. Your Dad says you don't like the doppler but I think you were happy because I had Greek food for dinner. I hope you like food, like I do. We can go for sushi together and leave your Dad at home. I'll eat pretty much anything - hope you're liking it in there! I've learned my lesson this time for sure, no more spices, super fried tasting salty chips, tomatoe sauce or acidy fruits. I just want us to get along ok? LOL